Sonic Fan Characters Wiki
Sonic Fan Characters Wiki

Matrix's Mary-Sue-Test results!

Matrix is only a little like you. He isn't really very cool: he blends into crowds, he hangs out on the fringes at parties, and wearing shades after dark makes him run into things. He may have sometimes thought that he was special, or destined for greater things, but probably dismissed the idea as a fantasy. He's come in for his share of hurt, but gotten off with minor damage. And you've been sparing with the free handouts: whatever he gains, he's worked for. 

In general, you care deeply about Matrix, but you're smart enough to let him stand on his own, without burdening him with your personal fantasies or propping him up with idealization and over-dramatization. Matrix is a healthy character with a promising career ahead of him. 

Yeah, this pretty much sums me up, too.
